Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Plan of Action - Scripture Reading

Dearest Anna,

This could very well be too ambitious, especially considering your travel schedule, but this could work for our readings. What if we read one chapter every day from four different books, starting with Daniel (12 days), then the Song of Solomon (8 days), then Hebrews (13 days), then Mark (16 days). That actually totals 49 days, but I figure we can squeeze in a little more of the Gospel of Mark as we get closer to Easter - Mark is the shortest gospel and doubling up chapters for the last few days would be easy. Here is my thinking:

1. Daniel - I already explained this above, but I think it would be great to get to know Daniel and his prayers and his relationship with God as we begin his fast.

2. The Song of Solomon - It seems logical to make this portion of the fast something personal. I think regardless of relationship status it could be fulfilling for both of us to spend 8 of our fasting days thinking about the romance issue - it's on both of our minds a lot I know, and I think we would both benefit and be grateful for revelation, clarity, and greater faith on the topic. Let's spend those 8 days figuring out what God has in mind for our marriages.

3. Hebrews - I haven't spent much time at all with Hebrews in my life, and I think 13 days in this book would be a wonderful time for study to see what God will reveal without any other agenda or petition from us. I want to read this book to see what God will do and reveal when I just give Him a blank slate to work with.

4. Mark - leading up to Easter, I would love to spend the end of our fast focusing on Christ's story on earth and on his sacrifice, on his relationships with other people, on his prayers, and on his own fasting. I pray that this phase of the fast will teach us more about Christ the man, the we could become more like him and grow to love Him more than ever before. And then - hooray! We will celebrate his everlasting life and resurrection on Easter!

We should use the outline you put in your last e-mail as our guide for reading and contemplation as we make it through these books. In all of it, we seek:

1) stronger prayer
2) God's guidance
3) humility before God
4) greater concern for God's work
5) sensitivity to and willingness to act in response to the needs of others
6) resistance to temptation and dedication to God
7) the ability to express love and worship to God in new, stronger ways.

Those things are so good. I am going to print out that outline to keep in my Bible so I can review them before and after each daily reading.

Okay, that is all for now, but I am sure I will have more and more to say.

I love you so! Thank you for your prayers that my time with the Lord would be fruitfull and blessed - it CERTAINLY has been!


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