Fasting "hoists the sails of the soul in hopes of catching the gracious winds of God's spirit." - Donald S. Whitney
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Day One - Ash Wednesday and the Body
A "Housesitter Approach" to Our Bodies
So far, I have been training for the fast by avoiding most things non-plantish. What a difference in two things:
#1: My cravings! Gone! I had a bite of homemade apple pie last night and regretted it immediately not because the pie wasn't tasty, but because my stomach grumbled about it the whole night and my taste buds recoiled with the exclamation, "No more! Please! We'll DIE of sweetness!"
How convenient that our appetites begin to correspond to our ideals, once we take the step and begin a new lifestyle. It reminds me of faith, in that sense. You have to step out of your usual rut and embrace something new. There is a withdrawal period, where all you can think consuming are the things you shouldn't. Eventually, your palate adjusts like a connoisseur. You train yourself to appreciate what once seemed a subtlety as a vibrancy of flavor. Ephesians 5 talks about foolish talk and course jesting being far from us, since it is unfitting for children of light. Yet, how often do we indulge in that one witty come-back with as little thought as that invested in a bag of Doritos? I pray for there to be something distinctly natural and wholesome about what that passes through my mouth this lent. Like Jesus said, it is what comes out that defiles you. That means words. May our words be seasoned with the myriad flavors of God, and may we fill up on the diverse banquet He sets before us in Who He is. May His presence pour into our souls like water, cleansing us with new life and purity, filling us to overflowing.
#2 My attitude toward my body. It's high time I started treating my body like it really is: a holy place that God chooses to inhabit. I remember someone at a yoga studio saying, "Your body is your home. You are in it for the rest of your life. Treat it well. Show love and care for it. Honor it. It will serve you as well as you serve it." That was such a foreign concept to me, and it needs to be preached from the pulpit. Until that yoga session, I viewed my body as the "flesh," against which I am to declare war while battling to squeeze into next summer's bathing suit. It occurs to me now that the flesh Paul is talking about is really not the material thing itself. That meat and boney part of me is good. It can't help the law of entropy or disease. The body should NOT be seen as the source for temptation, although it certainly furnishes the conditions. Eve ate out of desire for unnatural power and knowledge, not out of physical hunger. My body is just a house leased by a mostly irresponsible tenant, my will. My body is already subjected to my will. The problem is, my will behaves more like a bad housesitter than an owner. God bought it and arranged for me to have a free lease; now its up to me to take full responsibility and treat it like He would want me to. Gratitude ought to be my motivation for one of the best gifts He has entrusted to me. "You are not your own, you were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your body."
Does God love our bodies? If so, how can we practice loving our bodies the way God would want us to?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Getting Ready
So to get my body ready, I am stocking my kitchen (this is from a trip to the farmers' market in Camarillo) and experimenting with some vegan recipes:
Today I made some kale chips:
I read a lot of health blogs, and kale chips are a food item I've always thought was for crazy vegans. But I tried these, and they were delish. I preheated the oven to 350, washed the kale and tore it into chip-sized pieces (bigger than you'd think), and tossed them with 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I followed a recipe that said to bake them for 35 minutes, but I took them out at 25 and they were totally toasted. 15 minutes did the trick on my next batch.
To do the more important preparing to get me mentally and spiritually ready, I am reading Richard Foster's book Celebration of Discipline. I went through this book in a small group last year, and I am thrilled to be rereading it. It's such a good one. Pick it up if you don't have a copy. I'm sure I'll include selections from my reading as I make it through the fast.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Fast: What We Are and Aren't Eating
The word "vegetables" is used here, but it originally read "pulse," which means anything that grows from a seed. So this fast includes anything in that genre, and nothing but water to drink.
This includes:
All Fruits
All Vegetables
All Whole Grains
All Nuts and Seeds
All Legumes
All Quality Oils from Plants
This excludes:
All Meat and Animal Products (that means eggs)
All Dairy
Leavened Bread
Anything Refined or Processed (this is sometimes called "enriched" food on labels)
Anything Deep Fried
All Solid Fats (shortening, margerine, Earth Balance, etc.)
Any Beverage That Isn't Water (including coffee, tea, and water flavored in any way)
Our Plan of Action - Scripture Reading
The Story Behind the Daniel Fast
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
You Have Not Traveled This Way Before
Worship through Fasting and Prayer
“'You have not traveled this way before.' Joshua told the people, 'Ritually consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will perform miraculous deeds among you.'"
Joshua 3:4b-5
Dear Catherine,
Here are some thoughts to contemplate about this 45 days of consecration. Although some of this applies to refraining from meals altogether, I hope these thoughts can help us to make the most of this period of the Daniel fast.
Before I start, let me say… I will be in China March 15-April 1st, so I will have to be flexible in my fasting since I don’t know what will be served. When I have a choice, I want to limit myself to a plant-based diet and water. As a guest, I will need to be sensitive to cultural expectations.
I hope we can communicate through email, though I can’t guarantee it. It will mean a lot to me to know you are praying for our trip during the fast and that we are reading the same passages of Scripture together. How should we divide up Hebrews? (13 chapters, 45 days)
Reasons for Fasting
More than what we abstain from, we commit to focus on the spiritual purposes. In reading through some material, it seems best for me to approach this time for the purpose of worship, with fasting and prayer as my primary means. I decided this after reviewing the following list of reasons:
Reasons to Fast Include: (from Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney)
- Strengthening prayer
Fasting “hoists the sails of the soul in hopes of experiencing the gracious wind of God’s spirit.”
- Seeking God’s guidance
- Humbling oneself before God
Fast not to be noticed by others unless absolutely necessary.
- Expressing concern for God’s work
Fasting draws us “into a more complete realization of the purposes of the Lord in our life, church, community, and nation.”
- Ministering to the needs of others
- Fasting can be used as a time dedicated specifically to meeting others’ needs
- Fasting can help me empathize with those whose needs are unmet
- Overcoming temptation and dedicating oneself to God
- Fasting is a way to express to God that He is my greatest pleasure, my portion, my priority in everything, even food.
- Thoughts of food will prompt not just praises, but questions of God and to inquire what He might desire of us in this season of our lives.
- Expressing love and worship of God
Do any of these jump out to you?
Fasting as Worship
This last reason jumped out to me. Like I said, I’ve always admired Anna, the prophetess, in Luke 2 who, “never left the temple but worshiped day and night with fasting and prayer.” Her example encompasses all of the listed reasons. Other things about her to note:
-She was a woman of Scripture
-She was a gifted communicator who spoke about Jesus to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem
-She approached the infant Jesus and immediately recognized him. I want to be able to recognize the presence of God as He reveals himself to me.
-She gave thanks to God constantly
-Worship was her primary reason for fasting and prayer
Another aspect of fasting, as we mentioned, is to prepare us for the feast of Easter Sunday in which we express our deep gratitude for receiving His sacrifice. I so look forward to the way this may prepare our hearts for that day!
Any thoughts you want to add to this?
Love to you!